How the Protestant Reformers are Still Changing the World

Month: October 2024

“Kick-off Dinner” (Fall, 2024)

Sharing the vision for Redeemer Theological Academy for the new school year

Two weeks ago on Saturday, Sept. 21, Cheryl and I hosted a Fall “Kick-off dinner” in our home for all of the students and their spouses at Redeemer Theological Academy. It was a very a enjoyable gathering with excellent food, good fellowship, and an opportunity for all students to hear the plans for the new school year.

What exactly are our plans? In short, we anticipate adding a second teacher during the Winter term with a class on “New Testament Survey.” In addition, we plan to establish a “Chaplaincy” position to provide spiritual care for our students, and an “Academic Advisor” to assist with students who are writing research papers for the Certificate program. It should be an exciting year!

Currently, our class on “History of the Early Church” is in progress (Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 AM). We have enjoyed a solid turnout averaging over twenty attendees each week. Three students are enrolled in our Certificate of Theological Studies program and making good progress. I also anticipate we will hold one or two “Crucial Question Seminars” over the Fall as well.

The Lord is with us! Thanks be to God!

— Dr. Marcus J. Serven, Director of Redeemer Theological Academy

J. I. Packer on God’s School of Holiness

“You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16

I found myself strongly moved by this quote on the doctrine of sanctification by Dr. J. I. Packer. Read it for yourself and see if it ministers to you as it did for me.

Dr. J. I. Packer (1926-2020)

“In God’s school of holiness our Lord Jesus Christ (the Father’s Son and the Christian’s Savior) is with us, and we with him, in a controlling relationship of master and servant, leader and follower, teacher and student. It is crucially important to appreciate this. Why is it that in the school of holiness, as in the schools to which we send our own children, some move ahead faster than others? How are the different rates of progress to be explained? Fundamentally, the factor that makes the difference is neither one’s intelligence quotient, nor the number of books one has read nor the conferences, camps and seminars one has attended, but the quality of the fellowship with Christ that one maintains through life’s vicissitudes. Jesus is risen. He is alive and well. Through his word and Spirit he calls us to himself today, to receive him as our Savior and Lord and become his disciples and followers. Speaking objectively—with reference to how things really are, as distinct from how they might feel at any particular moment—the “there-ness” of Jesus, and the personal nature of his relationship with us as his disciples, are as truly matters of fact as were his bodily presence and his words of comfort and command when he walked this earth long ago. Some, however, do not reckon with this fact as robustly and practically as others do. That is what makes the difference.”

— J. I. Packer, Rediscovering Holiness, 17-18  

Essentially, Dr. Packer asserts that the predominant element in our sanctification is the fellowship that we enjoy with the living Lord. We can have every confidence in knowing that our relationship with Christ is secure, and we thank God for that! We need to realize, however, that our fellowship with Him waxes and wanes throughout the course of our life. This is why “the “there-ness” of Jesus, and the personal nature of his relationship with us as his disciples, are as truly matters of fact as were his bodily presence and his words of comfort and command when he walked this earth long ago.” Praise be to God for Dr. Packer’s stirring words!

Moreover, the Lord does not leave us bereft of resources to strengthen us for the trials and tribulations of this world. He gives us a number of significant resources and remedies (i.e. the “means of grace”) to encourage us in our fellowship with Him. These “means of grace” are: (1) the Word of God; (2) the Sacraments (in particular our ongoing participation in the Lord’s Supper); and (3) the practice of prayer (See: Westminster Shorter Catechism #88). Each one of these “means of grace” are beneficial remedies to depression, despair, and discouragement. Each one is a spiritual discipline that we should cultivate for our own good. God has given them to us so that we can be strong and resilient Christians. By faith, let us make the effort. I believe you will be glad you did!

— Dr. Marcus J. Serven