“The New is in the Old concealed, and the Old is in the New revealed.”
Several people have asked, “What exactly is the Theology Study Group all about?” In answer to this probing question, let me present a few photos. Recently one of our students surreptitiously took some pictures right in the middle of class, and I didn’t even notice! I guess I was preoccupied with the subject matter. Here are a few shots of our theology class in action:

This Fall we are studying Biblical Theology (i.e. the great themes of Scripture–Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation), and Hermeneutics (i.e. how to properly interpret the Bible). Our weekly format is to discuss the assigned reading in our textbook, The Drama of Scripture, from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. We then take a ten minute break with coffee and donuts. Once we come back together we “shift gears” and begin working our way through a passage in the Bible following the method of interpretation that I have taught (10:40 AM-11:30 AM). On this particular week that the pictures were taken we were endeavoring to interpret Hebrews 8:1-13 on how Jesus Christ is our eternal High Priest, and how he has mediated a New Covenant on our behalf. It was a rich passage and the discussion was deep and meaningful.

Typically we have sixteen or seventeen students each Thursday morning. I always bring in beneficial books to “show and tell,” and besides studying we enjoy some sweet fellowship amongst one another. Indeed, a strong bond has been formed, and for that we are all most grateful. If you are in Austin, TX on a Thursday morning, then drop by Redeemer Presbyterian Church and visit our class. You would be most welcome to attend!

— Dr. Marcus J. Serven
This looks like a fun gathering–can I join?
Nope–red-haired Presbyterian pastors are NOT allowed!