“The book of Hebrews gives us a definition of faith: ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’ (Hebrews 11:1). Faith comprises the essence of our hope for the future. In simple terms this means that we trust God for the future based on our faith in what He has accomplished in the past. To believe that God will continue to be trustworthy is not a gratuitous faith. There is every reason to believe that God will be as faithful to His promises in the future as He has been in the past. There is a reason, a substantive reason, for the hope that is in us. The faith that is the evidence of things unseen has primary but not exclusive reference to the future. Nobody has a crystal ball that works. We all walk into the future by faith and not by sight. We may plan and make projections, but even the best foresight we have is based upon the edge of tomorrow. We view the present and can recall the past. We are experts in hindsight. The only solid evidence we have or our own future is drawn from the promises of God. Here faith offers evidence for things unseen. We trust God for tomorrow.” (R. C. Sproul, Essential Truths of the Christian Faith, 183-184)