My wife and I just returned from a glorious trip to Scotland! Once I go through all of my many pictures, I’ll post images of some of the historic and special places that we visited. But, in the meantime let me say that I was stuck by the deep and abiding sense of history throughout all of Scotland. Where else could you go in one day and visit the ancient monastery tower of St. Rule (4th Century), the site of two significant Protestant martyrs, Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart (16th Century), the grave of the beloved Presbyterian preacher and professor, Samuel Rutherford (17th Century), and also enjoy some excellent fish and chips for lunch at Cromars (21st Century)? We experienced all of this in St. Andrews, UK. It was a wonderful treat to be there and spend an entire day soaking-up all the sights and sounds of this fascinating and historic city. More insights to come…
— Dr. Marcus J. Serven