“Reformed theology so far transcends the mere five points of Calvinism that it is an entire worldview.” ~Dr. R. C. Sproul
Class Description:
Is a belief in Reformed Theology a valid option for the contemporary Christian? The central thesis of this class is that Reformed Theology has “an abiding validity” since it freely flows from the pages of Holy Scripture. With that thesis in mind, we will explore the distinct beliefs of Reformed Theology in the Bible, in the key personalities of the Early Church, in the teaching of the Protestant Reformers, and in the significant Reformed thinkers of the modern era. Moreover, we will discuss how Reformed Theology has shaped modern culture—even though there are many who deny this fact—and how it has positively impacted education, care for the poor, law, politics, economics, a free society/liberty, vocation, the arts, missions, and social change. There will be multiple handouts and book recommendations given out for the benefit of each student.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) located in Austin, Texas. We will meet in Room 206 which is the large classroom upstairs in Calvin Hall.
Sunday mornings (10:15-11:00 AM) [See class schedule below]
Class Instructor:
Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Serven is a longtime teacher of the Bible, Reformed theology, and the history of Christ’s Church. After a lengthy pastoral career of serving Presbyterian churches in both California and Missouri (1980-2016), Marcus and his family relocated to Austin, Texas in order to retire—but God had other plans! He now serves as the Pastor of Christian Discipleship at Redeemer Presbyterian Church and is a member of the Presbytery of South Texas (PCA). Marcus has earned degrees from the University of California at Davis (BA), Fuller Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Covenant Theological Seminary (ThM and DMin). He is an active member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Calvin Studies Society.
Class Schedule:
— June 6 – What is Reformed Theology? (Part 1)
— June 13 – What is Reformed Theology? (Part 2)
— June 20 – The Early Church: Paul, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Augustine
— June 27 – The Protestant Reformation: Zwingli, Bucer, Luther, Calvin, Knox
— July 4 – Independence Day/No Class
— July 11 – Significant Reformed Thinkers: Kuyper, Machen, Schaeffer, Sproul, Packer
— July 18 – A Reformed Worldview: Law, Politics, Care for the Poor
— July 25 – A Reformed Worldview: A Free Society/Liberty, Education, Personal Vocation
— August 1 – No Class
— August 8 – A Reformed Worldview: Economics, the Arts, Missions, Social Change

I hope you can join us as we study Reformed Theology–its foundation in the Bible, its proponents in the Early Church, the Reformation, and the Modern Era. And lastly, we’ll reflect upon its significant (but oftentimes unacknowledged) influence upon all that is good and life-producing in modern culture. You may be surprised at what you learn! Come check it out!
— Dr. Marcus J. Serven