“Live in Christ, die in Christ, and the flesh need not fear death.” John Knox
John Knox understood that those who followed him needed to be counseled, encouraged, exhorted, strengthened, and prayed for. He did all of these things as often as he could and as a result God blessed his leadership abilities. Consider these comments evaluating his style of leadership by two eminent historians of the Scottish Reformation, and by a contemporary historian.
First of all, reflect on these words about John Knox from the Scottish Presbyterian historian Dr. James Wylie:
A rendition of John Knox preaching from his movable pulpit
From the time of his famous sermon in St. Andrews, Knox has been the soul of the movement. The year that followed was one of incessant and herculean labor. His days were spent in preaching, his nights in writing letters. He roused the country, and he kept it awake. His voice like a great trumpet rang through the land, firing the lukewarm to zeal, and inspiring the timid into courage. When the friends of the Reformation quarreled, he reconciled and united them. When they sank into despondency he rallied their spirits. He himself never desponded. Cherishing a firm faith that his country’s Reformation would be consummated, he neither sank under labor, nor fell back before danger, nor paused in the efforts he found it necessary every moment to put forth. He knew how precious the hours were, and that if the golden opportunity were lost it would never return. He appealed to the patriotism of the nobles and citizens.
Wylie, The History of the Protestantism, Volume 3, 494
And now here are the comments on Knox’s leadership abilities from an American Presbyterian historian Dr. Henry Sheldon:
He was distinguished by the same vigor, decision, and determination as Calvin. With less of intellectual breadth and penetration, he combined a larger gift of popular eloquence. His bold and incisive address penetrated the minds of his countrymen much as did the burning words of Luther the minds of the Germans. As one wrote to Cecil, the single voice of Knox was more inspiring to the Scots than five hundred trumpets blustering in their ears.
Sheldon, History of the Christian Church, volume 3, Part 1, 321-322
A further example of Knox’s leadership abilities occurred in 1560 when he preached to a hopelessly outnumbered Scottish army which gathered to repel a French invasion of Scotland. Knox proclaimed the importance of trusting in God even in the darkest of circumstances. In particular, he expounded the moving text of Matthew 14:22-23 when Jesus walked on the water. Here is a sample of Knox’s preaching taken from his History of the Reformation in Scotland:
“The danger in which the disciples of Jesus Christ stood, when they were in the midst of the sea and Jesus was upon the mountain.” His exhortation was, that we should not faint, but that we should still row against the contrarious blasts, till Jesus Christ should come:—“I am as assuredly persuaded that God shall deliver us from this extreme trouble, as I am assured that this is the Evangel of Jesus Christ that I preach unto you this day. The fourth watch is not yet come. Abide a little! The boat shall be saved; and Peter, who hath left the boat, shall not drown. God grant that ye may acknowledge His hand after your eyes have seen His deliverances.” In that sermon he comforted many.
Knox, The History of the Reformation in Scotland, 195-196
Thanks in part to his leadership and exhortation, this small Scottish army—which was called The Congregation—was able to harass and trouble the French invaders until, at last, they were forced to retreat from Scotland, having lost many men.
Finally, the contemporary historian Douglas Bond makes the following comments on Knox’s preaching, as well as quoting Knox’s own thoughts on preaching. Bond thoughtfully summarizes Knox’s passionate approach to preaching,
Trusting the power of God, Knox laid out the goals of his preaching: “The end I proposed in all my preaching was to instruct the ignorant, to confirm the weak, to comfort the consciences of those who were humbled under the sense of their sins, and bear down, with the threatening of God’s judgment, such as were proud and rebellious.” He concluded that he “labored with all [his] power to gain them to Christ.” Knox’s pulpit ministry is best summed up in his own words: “I did distribute the bread of life as of Christ Jesus I had received it.” Whether setting forth the Gospel of Christ, encouraging the persecuted, or decrying idolatry, the goal of his exhortation was that Christ would have no rival in his hearer’s hearts. One burning passion drove Knox: “I feel a sob and a groan, willing that Christ Jesus might be openly preached in my native country, although it should be with the loss of my wretched life.” For Knox, preaching was all about proclaiming the evangel of Jesus Christ, giving good news to a world that for too long had heard only bad news. Yes, he thundered vehemently against idolatry in the pulpit, but he did so because he wanted his hearers to see Christ alone in all the Scriptures. He preached the free grace of the gospel because he wanted men not to depend in any degree upon the works of the law for their justification.
douglas Bond, “Power in the Pulpit” in The Mighty Weakness of John Knox, 51, 53-54, 66.
This kind of preaching in the church of Jesus Christ is sorely needed today! Let us humbly pray that God will raise-up a new generation of men like John Knox to boldly preach the gospel and to serve the church of Jesus Christ.
Resources for Further Study:
Bond, Douglas. The Mighty Weakness of John Knox. Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2011.
Knox, John, The History of the Reformation in Scotland, Charles J. Guthrie, ed., Edinburgh, Scotland: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1982.
Reid, W. Stanford. Trumpeter of God: A Biography of John Knox. New York, NY: Charles Scriber’s Sons, 1974.
Sheldon, Henry C. History of the Christian Church. Volume 3. New York, NY: T. Y. Crowell & Company, 1894.
Taylor, William M. The Scottish Pulpit: From the Reformation to the Present Day. New York, NY: Charles Burnet and Company, 1887; Birmingham, AL: Solid Ground Christian Books, Reprint, 2004.
Woodbridge, John D. (ed.), Great Leaders of the Christian Church, Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1988.
Wylie, James A. The History of Protestantism. 3 Volumes. Kilkeel, N. Ireland: Mourne Missionary Trust, 1990.
Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Serven, ThM and DMin
The Genevan Foundation – Copyright 2023 – All Rights Reserved
Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh–this edifice was the symbol of royalty, power, and authority in Scotland
“Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way.” Psalm 2:12a
— Written by Dr. Marcus J. Serven
One of the practical applications that John Knox (c.1514-1572), the famous Scottish Reformer, developed in his theology was the Bible’s teaching on the lesser magistrate. Knox believed that all magistrates serve at God’s good pleasure and therefore are responsible to God for upholding and enforcing his holy law (Rom. 13:1-4; 1 Pet. 2:13-14). Moreover, the subjects of magistrates are obligated to honor and support them as they engage in their duties. Knox understood that all magistrates, however, would be held accountable by God when they disobey His holy Law (Ps. 2:10-12; Jer. 37:1-21). He argues,
John Knox in his maturity
“…for it is a thing more than certain, that whatsoever God required of the civil magistrate in Israel or Judah, concerning the observation of true religion during the time of the law, the same does he require of lawful magistrates professing Christ Jesus in the time of the gospel, as the Holy Ghost has taught us by the mouth of David, saying, Psalm 2, ‘Be learned you that judge the earth. Kiss the Son, lest that the Lord wax angry, and that ye perish from the way.’ This admonition did not extend to the judges under the law only, but also does include all such as be promoted to honours in the time of the gospel, when Christ Jesus does reign and fight in his spiritual kingdom, whose enemies in the Psalm are first most sharply taxed, their fury expressed, and vanity mocked; and then are the kings and judges, who think themselves free from all law and obedience, commanded to serve the Eternal in fear, to rejoice before him in trembling, to kiss the Son (that is, to give unto him most humble obedience): whereof it is evident that the rulers, magistrates, and judges, now in Christ’s kingdom, are no less bound to obedience unto God, than were those under the law.”
Knox, “The Appellation” in Selected Writings of John Knox, 499-500
Thus, all magistrates are not to govern arbitrarily, nor are they free to establish their own laws according to their own pleasure. They must uphold the righteous standard that has been instituted by God himself, or suffer His judgements. In essence, the Bible teaches that there is a “higher law” (i.e. God’s Law) that is above any of the laws of men which may have been legislated under the magistrate’s authority (Exod. 20:1-17 ; Deut. 5:6-21; Matt. 22:34-40). This “higher law” regulates the activities of the magistrate as well as the activities of the people. All are responsible to God; both the magistrates and the people. But the magistrate bears a special responsibility before God to uphold a righteous standard. With this concept in mind, Knox addresses the magistrates with these persuasive words,
Consider, my lords, that you are powers ordained by God (as before is declared), and therefore does the reformation of religion, and the defense of such as unjustly are oppressed, appertain to your charge and care, which thing shall the law of God, universally given to be kept of all men, most evidently declare; which is my last and most assured reason, why, I say, you ought to remove from honours and punish with death such as God has condemned by his own mouth.”
Knox, “The Appellation” in Selected Writings of John Knox, 508
Therefore, Knox argues that evil and tyrannical magistrates—whether they are kings, queens, princes, nobles, or judges—in certain select circumstances, can be resisted by the citizenry. The people are not free to wantonly rebel against unrighteous magistrates. They can, however, after a lengthy season of prayer and exemplary patience remove unrighteous magistrates from their office as long as they are led by duly established “lesser magistrates” (i.e. Knox calls this the doctrine of “interposition”). In brief, only these “lesser magistrates” can lead the people in removing the “greater magistrates.” In the face of persistent evil activity, Knox insisted that it actually was the duty of godly citizens to remove evil and tyrannical leaders. As well, the lesser magistrates had the responsibility (or duty) of leading the people in removing unrighteous greater magistrates. Under these parameters the action of removing an unrighteous magistrate is not wanton rebellion, but it is a godly response to wickedness and tyranny. Dr. Joseph Morecraft summarizes this position,
Knox’s major contribution to the Reformation and to Western Civilization was his teaching on the legitimacy of resistance against tyranny, including the use of armed force by the citizenry, led by a lesser magistrate, against a tyrannical or idolatrous head of state, after all others efforts have failed. Christian citizens and lesser magistrates have the duty to remove tyrants from office. Moreover, armed resistance is justifiable, according to Knox, only if two preconditions have been met: “the first of which was the trying of other means, including prayer and patience. The second condition was that armed resistance must be led by legitimate lesser magistrates…” Knox cited Jeremiah 37 as the scriptural basis for ministers advocating resistance against tyrannical authorities. Knox was not a revolutionary, however, as his life and sermons prove. Although he believed that resistance to tyranny was every Christian’s duty, he could also say, “We mean neyther seditions, neyther yit rebellion against any just and lauchfull authorities, but onlie the advancement of Christes religion, and the liberties of this poore Realme.”
Morecraft, “Calvin’s Influence on Scotland” in John Calvin: Man of the Millennium, 270-271
It was this kind of practical application of the Bible’s teaching on resisting tyrannical rulers that resulted in the rapid progress of liberty throughout the Western world. Evil and tyrannical governments were resisted and thrown off in Scotland, England, France, Germany, Holland, and at a later time in the American Colonies during the Revolutionary War. Other theologians who followed after John Knox would further develop the details of his political theology, but the original seed came from Knox as he struggled with how to bring religious liberty to Scotland, his own beloved country.
Mary, Queen of Scots
One example of Knox’s theology of resistance to tyrants can be found in his personal relationship with Mary, Queen of Scots. Prior to Mary’s arrival in Scotland as the new regent, the Scottish Parliament in 1560 determined to adopt the Scots Confession which rejected Roman Catholicism and replaced it with the Reformed faith. As a result, the observance of the Roman Catholic Mass was condemned throughout the country. Those who led the Mass were placed under the penalty of death, and those who participated in it were liable to imprisonment. Queen Mary had been raised in France as a dedicated Roman Catholic. When she returned to Scotland in 1561, some in the Scottish Parliament granted her the concession to hold a private Mass led by her own personal Chaplain in Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh. Others in the Scottish Parliament strongly disapproved of this concession and threatened Queen Mary with arrest. In the midst of this turmoil, since John Knox had preached against her holding a private Mass, Queen Mary invited Knox to give an answer for his perceived rebellious attitude. These proved to be stormy sessions, but they served to clarify Knox’s theology and they forced Mary to come to grips with the reality that many of her subjects had an extreme distaste toward her practice of observing Mass in her own private quarters. Many Scots agreed with Knox’s view that the Mass was idolatrous, and they were offended that their sovereign—Mary, Queen of Scots—would participate in such a practice. They also worried that Mary would seek to reimpose Roman Catholicism upon Scotland, and that they would be forced to worship as she did. Many of the Scots had at that time resolved to worship God only according to the teachings of the Bible, and not by the traditions of men. Dr. Richard Greaves explains,
In September 1561 Mary inquired of him if subjects could resist their sovereigns. Knox’s reply implied the existence of a covenant between God and temporal princes. If the latter exceeded the bounds imposed on them by God, subjects had to disobey because of their duty to obey God. Princes who persecuted Protestants were, in their blind zeal, subject to a mad frenzy, and had to be restrained by their subjects until their minds became sober…He repeated his beliefs to Mary again in 1563, but explicitly warned her that idolaters could be lawfully executed by believers…Knox also called attention to the mutual covenant between sovereigns and subjects, and clearly affirmed the right of subjects to disobey if sovereigns did not fulfill their obligations, which he summarized as protection and defense against evil doers. “Consider…what it is that ye aught to do unto them by mutual contract. They are bound to obey you, and that not but in God. Ye are bound to keep laws unto them. Ye crave of them service: they crave of you protection and defense against wicked doers.” If Mary failed to fulfill her duty to her subjects, she would not receive their full obedience. On that note the interview concluded.
Greaves, Theology & Revolution in the Scottish Reformation, 141-142
Hence, we can see how the theology of John Knox had a demonstrative impact in his relations with Mary, Queen of Scots. He urged her to repent of her idolatry. She urged him to not rebel against her authority. In their clash, we witness an example of the progress of liberty in Scotland: the Parliament resolved (1) that the regent could no longer determine the religion of the subjects, and (2) that the religious convictions of the populace over-ruled the religious practices of the regent. At that time, it must be acknowledged, that many Scots desired to live as free men and women when it came to the practice of their religion. The Scottish Reformation was built upon such a strong desire.
In subsequent years the rallying cry of the Scottish Covenanters would express these same sentiments: the motto “For Christ’s Crown and Covenant” affirmed that only Jesus Christ was the head of the church (or Kirk). It was due to the efforts of John Knox that liberty in Scotland came about. His emphasis on the responsibilities of the “lesser magistrates” to overthrow tyrannical “greater magistrates” furthered the cause of religious freedom in Scotland. Beyond that, the lawful resistance of tyrants became a foundational concept that was applied in many nations over the next century in the progress of liberty.
An Addendum:
I am indebted to Dr. Joseph Morecraft, III, for his fine summary of John Knox’s view of the covenantal nature of civil government. Here it is…
“The Covenantal Basis of Civil Government”
by Dr. Joseph Morecraft, III
“Knox taught that a just civil government is covenantal, or federal, i.e. based on a series of covenants that define its authority, limitations, functions, powers, and responsibilities. According to Knox:
— The civil magistrate is in covenant with God, promising to rule according to His revealed Law and to oppose idolatry, (2 Kings 23:1-3).
— The civil magistrate is in covenant with the people, promising to rule over them righteously and for their protection, (2 Chronicles 15).
— The people are in covenant with the civil magistrate, promising to submit to his righteous government, as long as he is faithful to his covenants, (2 Chronicles 15).
— The people are in covenant with God, promising to be His faithful people, Exodus 34. This federal approach to civil government is the legal basis for our Declaration of Independence of 1776.”
Source: Dr. Joseph Morecraft III, “Calvin’s Influence on Scotland” in John Calvin: Man of the Millennium (San Antonio, TX: The Vision Forum, Inc., 2008), 269-271.
Select Biography:
These four books have greatly shaped my own understanding of the responsibilities of the “Lesser Magistrates”–take-up and read!
Bond, Douglas. The Mighty Weakness of John Knox. Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2011.
Dawson, Jane. “Right of Resistance” in Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith. Donald K. McKim, ed. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992.
Greaves, Richard L. Theology & Revolution in the Scottish Reformation: Studies in the Thought of John Knox. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1980.
Kelly, Douglas F. The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 1992.
Kirk, James. “Scottish Reformation” in Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith. Donald K. McKim, ed. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992.
Knox, John. “The Appellation Addressed to the Nobility and Estates of Scotland” in Selected Writings of John Knox. Kevin Reed, ed. Dallas, TX: Presbyterian Heritage Publications, 1995.
Kyle, Richard J. “John Knox” in Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith. Donald K. McKim, ed. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992.
McCrie, Thomas. The Life of John Knox. Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publications, 1811; Reprint 1991.
McCrie, Thomas. The Story of the Scottish Church. London, Great Britain: Blackie and Son, 1875; Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publications, Reprint 1988.
Morecraft, III, Joseph. “Calvin’s Influence on Scotland” in John Calvin: Man of the Millennium. San Antonio, TX: The Vision Forum Inc., 2008.
Reid, W. Stanford. Trumpeter of God: A Biography of John Knox. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1974.
Trewella, Matthew J. The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of the Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Serven, ThM and DMin
The Genevan Foundation – Copyright 2023 – All Rights Reserved
Under threat of death, John Knox boldly preaches in St. Andrews Cathedral, June 11, 1559
“In the hearts of Scotsmen…he became the Moses of the Scots; more indeed, for he was their Amos and their Isaiah too…” Geddes MacGregor
Written by Dr. Marcus J. Serven
John Knox (1514-1572)
Who was John Knox? Briefly stated: he was born in Scotland, attended classes at St. Andrews University, experienced a life-changing conversion to Jesus Christ and a call to the ministry; he was enslaved by the French and forced to row all over the North Atlantic coming close to death while in captivity; in God’s kind providence he was released and became a diligent and esteemed pastor in England; he fled to Europe during the reign of Bloody Mary, and while there he ministered to English exiles in Frankfurt, Germany and later in Geneva, Switzerland; he studied at the feet of John Calvin. He was a husband to Marjorie Bowes, and after her untimely death, to Margaret Stewart; he was a father to two sons and three daughters. In triumph he returned to his native Scotland where he courageously advanced the cause of the Reformation as a pastor at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh for the remainder of his life. After his death, he became widely known as an author with his gripping book, The History of the Reformation in Scotland (which is still in print). By his preaching and teaching, he was able to bring virtually all of Scotland to a thorough-going knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and he engendered in the Scots a stalwart resolve to advance Christ’s Kirk (or, Church) here on earth. This is why many of the spiritual descendants of Knox—the Scottish Covenanters, the English Puritans and Pilgrims, and the American Presbyterians and Reformed Baptists—uniformly thank God for the life and ministry of John Knox. The “rallying cry” of the Scots Covenanters and their spiritual children is “For Christ’s Crown and Covenant” and this motto is directly connected to the preaching of John Knox.
Patrick Hamilton (1503-1528)
1514 – John Knox is born at Giffordgate on the outskirts of Haddington, on southern plains of Scotland; some place his date of birth much earlier in 1505
1528 – The young scholar Patrick Hamilton is martyred for his faith in St. Andrews–all of Scotland grieves his death
1532 – Knox was sent by his father to study at the University of St. Andrews
1536 – In March, John Calvin published the Institutes of the Christian Religion in Basle
1540 – Knox is ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood; and serves as a Papal notary
John Knox bearing his two-handed sword to protect George Wishart
1543 – Knox begins tutoring the young sons of two Scottish Lords open to Protestantism
1543 – Knox is converted to Christ after reading John 17, he refers to this passage as “Where I cast my first anchor.”
1544 – He serves the bold Scottish evangelist, George Wishart, as a personal body guard and carries a large two-handed sword to defend him
1546 – George Wishart is captured by Cardinal David Beaton, quickly tried & burned alive on March 1, 1546 outside the Castle of St. Andrews
1546 – In revenge, Cardinal David Beaton is murdered by several young Scottish assassins who take refuge in St. Andrews Castle
1547 – Knox is called to preach by Chaplain John Rough and the people of St. Andrews Castle
1547 – Knox preaches his 1st sermon in the parish church of St. Andrews Castle
A French Galley Ship rowed by captives–for nineteen months John Knox was one of these slaves until he was delivered!
1548 – St. Andrew’s Castle falls to French forces; all are captured and enslaved
1548 – Knox is forced to be a galley-slave on the French ship, Notre Dame
1548 – Knox assists his friend Sir Henry Balnaves in writing a Treatise on Justification
1549 – Near death, Knox prophesies that he will once again preach in St. Andrews Kirk
1549 – As a result of English negotiations, Knox is providentially released in March from the galley-ship after nineteen months of enslavement
1549 – Knox makes his way to England; is licensed to preach by the English Privy Council
King Edward VI (1537-1553)
1549 – Knox is appointed as a preacher in Berwick, England
1549 – Knox meets Mrs. Elisabeth Bowes of Aske, and her daughter Marjorie
1549 – the 1st edition of the Book of Common Prayer is adopted; Knox assists Thomas Cramner in this project
1550 – Knox writes Vindication of the Doctrine that the Mass is Idolatry in Newcastle
1550 – Knox writes a practical treatise on True Prayer, and how we should pray
1551 – He receives a formal ministerial call to Newcastle, England
1551 – Elected to serve as one of six Royal Chaplains to King Edward VI
1552 – the 2nd edition of the Book of Common Prayer is adopted
1553 – Edward VI dies on July 6, and Mary I becomes the Queen of England
1553 – Mary begins her bloody persecution of the Protestants; many flee to Europe
John Calvin, Head Minister of Geneva, Switzerland
1554 – In January, Knox flees to France and takes up temporary residence in Dieppe, Netherlands
1554 – He writes A Godly Letter of Warning or Admonition to the faithful in London, Newcastle, and Berwick
1554 – In March, Knox visits John Calvin in Geneva, then returns to Dieppe
1554 – Knox quietly enters into a binding engagement with Marjorie Bowes
1554 – Writes Two Comfortable Epistles to his Afflicted Brethren in England
1554 – Writes A Faithful Admonition to the Professors of God’s Truth in England
1554 – In August, Knox returns to Geneva for the purpose of study with John Calvin
1554 – In November, Knox is called to serve as the pastor to English refugees in Frankfort, Germany
1554 – Knox befriends the young scholar William Whittingham in Frankfort
1555 – In March, Knox is ousted by the unruly congregation in Frankfort over disputes about the proper forms of worship
1555 – Knox returns briefly to Scotland and secretly marries Marjorie Bowes; returns to Dieppe
1556 – In May, Knox begins an extended preaching mission throughout Scotland
1556 – Knox writes the Queen Mother, Mary of Guise, of the need for reform in the Kirk
1556 – Knox leaves Scotland, reunites with Marjorie and her mother; travels to Geneva
John Knox in his maturity
1557 – Birth of his 1st son, Nathaniel, and later a 2nd son, Eleazer; both are born in Geneva
1557 – Knox intends to return to Scotland, but is warned off by friends; he remains in Dieppe
1557 – Writes The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women
1558 – Knox returns to Geneva and works out his theory of a “godly revolution” and the resistance of tyrants through the interposition of lesser magistrates
1558 – Knox writes a massive treatise On Predestination in Geneva; published in 1560
1558 – Works with William Whittingham translating the Geneva Bible; published in 1560
1558 – Mary I, “Bloody Mary”, dies on November 17th and is succeeded by Elizabeth I
St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh
1559 – In January, most of Knox’s congregation safely returns to England
1559 – Knox arrives at Leith, Scotland on May 2nd and begins preaching in Perth
1559 – On June 11th Knox preaches at St. Andrews under threat of death; he fulfills his prophecy of preaching once again in St. Andrews
1559 – On June 29th Knox begins preaching at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh; opposition to reform increases
1560 – On June 11th the Queen Mother, Mary of Guise, suddenly dies
1560 – In August, Knox and five other “Johns” write the Scots Confession; adopted by Parliament
1560 – In December, Knox’s wife Marjory, his “dear bedfellow,” dies in Edinburgh (24 yrs. old)
Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587)
1561 – In January, the Book of Discipline is presented to Parliament and rejected
1561 – In August, Marie Stuart, “Mary, Queen of Scots”, arrives to assume her throne
1561 – 1st audience with Marie Stuart regarding her authority as Queen and private Mass
1561 – 2nd audience with Marie Stuart regarding Knox’s sermon critical of her actions
1562 – 3rd audience with Marie Stuart regarding Roman Catholic priests saying Easter Mass in her Chapel at Holyrood
1562 – 4th audience with Marie Stuart regarding her plans to marry a Spanish Prince
1562 – 5th audience with Marie Stuart regarding Knox’s suspected treason; he is formally accused
1562 – After a stout defense Knox is unanimously acquitted of treason by the Scottish Lords
1564 – Knox (50 yrs. old) marries Margaret Stewart (17 yrs. old); three daughters follow: Martha, Margaret, and Elizabeth
1565 – In July, Mary Queen of Scots weds Lord Darnley; confers on him the title of “King Henry”
1566 – James VI is born to Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley
1567 – In February, the Earl of Bothwell murders Lord Darnley (King Henry)
1567 – On May 15th Mary Queen of Scots weds the Earl of Bothwell to public outrage
1567 – In August, Mary Queen of Scots is deposed by the Scots General Assembly
1568 – Marie Stuart, the ex-Queen, escapes her captivity by fleeing to Elizabeth I in England
1570 – Civil War breaks out in Scotland
1571 – An assassin’s bullet is fired through the window of Knox’s study but misses its intended target
An ignominious end? John Knox’s grave in Edinburgh is now space #23 in a parking lot
1571 – In May, Knox temporarily moves to St. Andrews due to the Civil War that has broken out
1571 – Knox finishes compiling material for his History of the Reformation in Scotland
1572 – In August, Knox returns to Edinburgh and resumes preaching at St. Giles
1572 – On November 24th after hearing his wife read aloud John 17, “Where I cast my first anchor,” John Knox dies in his bed at Edinburgh (58 yrs. old)
He is buried next to St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland
Here are four fine volumes on the life and ministry of John Knox and those who followed him
Select Bibliography:
Bond, Douglas. The Mighty Weakness of John Knox. Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2011.
Cameron, Nigel M. de S., ed. Dictionary of Scottish Church History and Theology. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1993
“Book of Common Order (1564)”, by H.R, Sefton
“First Book of Discipline”, by J. Kirk
“Kirk Session”, by A.I. Dunlop
“Major (Mair), John”, by J. Kirk
“Reformation, Scottish”, by J. Kirk
“St. Giles”, by G.I. Macmillan
Dawson, Jane. John Knox. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2015.
Douglas, J. D., ed. The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church. Revised edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1978.
“Beaton, David”, by J.D. Douglas
“Calvin, John”, by W.S. Reid
“Calvinism”, by W.S. Reid
“Common Order, Book of”, by W.S. Reid
“Discipline, Books of”, by Adam Loughridge
“Edward VI”, by P.W. Petty
“England, Church Of”, by John A. Simpson
“Geneva Bible”, by Robert D. Linder
“Genevan Academy”, by W.S. Reid
“Henry VIII”, by Robert Schnucker
“James VI (of Scotland) and I (of England)”, by Henry R. Sefton
“Knox, John”, by Richard L. Greaves
“Mary, Queen of Scots”, by Henry R. Sefton
“Mary Tudor”, by Peter Toon
“Presbyterianism”, by W.S. Reid
“Reformation, The”, by Robert D. Linder
“Scots Confession”, by W.S. Reid
“Scotland”, by W.S. Reid
“Scotland, Church of”, by W.S. Reid
“Wishart, George”, by J.D. Douglas
Knox, John. The History of the Reformation in Scotland. Charles J. Guthrie, ed. Edinburgh, Scotland: The Banner of Truth Trust, Reprint 1982.
Knox, John. Select Practical Writings of John Knox. The Committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, 1845; Reprint, Edinburgh, Scotland: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2011.
Lindsay, Thomas M. A History of the Reformation. 2 Volumes. New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1949.
MacGregor, Geddes. The Thundering Scot. London, England: MacMillan and Company LTD, 1958.
McEwen, James S. The Faith of John Knox. London, England: Lutterworth Press, 1961.
McFeeters, J. C. Sketches of the Covenanters. Philadelphia, PA: The Second Church of the Covenanters, 1913.
M’Crie, Thomas. The Life of John Knox. Originally published in 1811; Reprint, Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publications, 1991.
M’Crie, Thomas. The Story of the Scottish Church. London, England: Blackie and Son, 1875.
Morecraft, Joseph. “Calvin’s Influence on Scotland” in Volmer, Philip. John Calvin: Man of the Millennium. San Antonio, TX: The Vision Forum, 2009.
Murray, Ian H. A Scottish Christian Heritage. Edinburgh, Scotland: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2006.
Reed, Kevin, ed. Selected Writings of John Knox. Dallas, TX: Presbyterian Heritage Publications, 1995.
Reid, W. Stanford. Trumpeter of God: A Biography of John Knox. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1974.
Ridely, Jasper. John Knox. London, England: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Schaaf, Philip. The Creeds of Christendom. 6th Edition. Reprint, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1983.
Sefton, Henry R. John Knox: An Account of the Development of His Spirituality. Edinburgh, Scotland: Saint Andrew Press, 1993.
Whitley, Elizabeth. The Plain Mr. Knox. Reprint, Ross-Shire, Scotland: Christian Focus Publications, 2001.
Wylie, James A. The History of Protestantism. 3 Volumes. Kilkeel, N. Ireland: Mourne Missionary Trust, 1990.
Dr. Marcus Serven, ThM and DMin The Genevan Foundation – Copyright 2016 – All Rights Reserved
John Knox preaching at St. Andrew’s Cathedral while under threat of death
Written by Dr. Marcus Serven
“A man with God on his side is always in the majority.” John Knox
Jesus Christ instructed his disciples in the Great Commission to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…baptizing them…and teaching them.” (Matthew 28:18-20) Why, then, should we as modern day disciples of Jesus Christ who are keenly interested in obeying that commission look back five hundred years to the time of the Protestant Reformation? We do this for a number of important reasons. First, because the gospel became more and more obscured by the “traditions of men” throughout the Medieval Period and the later Middle Ages. Thankfully, God raised-up a number of key men, such as John Knox, who rediscovered the gospel during the Reformation and widely taught it throughout Europe. Second, because this rediscovery of the gospel brought about a renewed interest in the Bible and as a result Europe was thrust out of its extended period of spiritual darkness into the light. Third, because the Reformation was not just a short time of revival, but it was an extended period of spiritual blessing that lasted approximately one hundred and fifty years in length. Let us pray that God would bring forth another extended period of gospel expansion during our own era. Fourth, because during the Reformation the gospel penetrated many differing classes of people, some of whom had been largely ignored and brutally oppressed by the Roman Catholic Church. During the Reformation these people were Christianized and entire cultures were transformed by the application of the gospel. Fifth, by studying church history we can learn what we should be doing in our own time to obey the Great Commission.
Let me give an illustration. In many ways, the church of the Medieval Period and the later Middle Ages had become like a giant ship whose hull was so encrusted with barnacles and seaweed that it could barely move through the water. Instead of racing through the ocean at top speed, this ship (i.e. the church) had gotten lower in the water and slower in its speed. In essence, it had become so burdened with the excessive weight of the “traditions of men” that the gospel was completely obscured. The only way for this situation to change for the better was for the Lord to raise-up a number of godly men (e.g. the Reformers) who would metaphorically take the ship (the church) into a dry dock and scrape its sides getting rid of all that encumbered it. Once this was done, then the church—like a freshly cleaned and painted ship—would be able to race through the water at top speed once again. This is what happened during the time of the Reformation.
Now, let me make one qualification before I go any further in this historical article; several scholarly men have been searching for the source of John Knox’s rousing cry that I have used in my title—“Give me Scotland, or I die!”—but the direct source of this quotation has eluded us. Nevertheless, Knox’s exclamation wonderfully summarizes his passion to spread the gospel throughout his own home land—and no one who has studied his life disputes that! Therefore, I believe that it is safe to attribute this quotation to John Knox even though the precise location of it remains unknown.
A Brief Sketch of John Knox’s Life:
John Knox (1514-1572)
John Knox was born in 1514 to the family of a middle-class farmer in southern Scotland. Although John’s father was not well off, he did have enough money to send him to study at St. Andrews University. It was planned by his father that John would become a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. At St. Andrews, John studied under a well-known critic of the Roman Catholic Church, John Major (c.1467-1550). In his lectures Professor Major encouraged the return of the Roman Catholic Church to a simplified form of ecclesiastical government, which he argued was practiced by the New Testament Church. Church leadership was to be in the hands of the local elders and deacons and only when there were weightier matters to resolve were these men gathered together into presbyteries and synods. He also spoke with favor of students familiarizing themselves with the rediscovered truth of “justification by faith alone” which was coming out of Germany from the prolific pen of Martin Luther (1483-1546). No doubt John Major had a powerful impact on the bright young Knox, exposing him to many of the arguments supporting the growing reform movement.
Nevertheless, upon his graduation from St. Andrews University in 1540 Knox followed the wishes of his father and took up orders as a Roman Catholic priest. In addition to his priestly duties, which were few, Knox also served as a Papal notary authenticating legal documents. In many respects, Knox had accomplished all that his earthly father had dreamed about for his son: he had the endorsement of the church, the prestige of higher education, and sufficient money from his work as a notary. However God, his heavenly Father, would not let John Knox be content with all of his worldly accomplishments, but would instead, draw him to a living faith in Christ. The spiritual revolution that was currently spreading like a flood throughout Germany, France, and Switzerland would soon burst onto the spiritually-dry shores of Scotland and England. God was on the move revitalizing His church with rediscovered New Testament truth.
At the time of John Knox’s ordination in 1540, King Henry VIII (1491-1547) ruled England. Against the wishes of the Pope, Henry divorced his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, in 1534 and started his own national church, the Church of England. Without really knowing it, Henry had aligned England with the Protestant cause. As to religion, the popular maxim of the age was this: “As the King believes, so does the nation”. Thus, England became a country where Protestant ideas were tolerated within the framework of the Anglo-Catholic theology of the Church of England. The Scottish lands, on the other hand, were separated from England politically and ecclesiastically being ruled by Roman Catholic monarchs. As a result, the growth of Protestant ideas in Scotland was often regarded as rebellion against the political authorities. Scotland seemed destined to remain Roman Catholic, unless, of course, God raised-up a champion of the Protestant cause in Scotland. This man was John Knox.
His Conversion:
George Wishart (c.1513-1546)
While serving as a private boy’s tutor to some wealthy Scottish Lords, Knox became further exposed to Protestant ideas. He taught his three young students grammar, classical languages, philosophy, mathematics, catechism, and the Bible. While teaching through the Gospel of John, specifically the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in chapter 17, God’s Word made a strong impact on Knox. Much later Knox requested upon his death bed that the entire 17th chapter of John’s Gospel be read aloud to him because it was here that he claimed “I cast my first anchor”. His exact conversion is difficult to determine, however in 1545 he began to manifest strong evidence of the New Birth when he became known as the bodyguard for the Scottish preacher George Wishart (c.1513- 1546). When Wishart preached, Knox would stand behind him with a large two-handed sword to defend him from his enemies! When Wishart’s foes grew ever bolder in their threats, the controversial preacher urged Knox to flee saying, “Nay return to your bairns (students), and God bless you. One is sufficient for a sacrifice.” Wishart was eventually captured by the Roman Catholic authorities and burned at the stake as a heretic on March 1, 1546. This was a crucial turning point for Knox. In revenge, several young Scottish Lords assassinated Cardinal Beaton, Wishart’s accuser, oppressor, and judge. As a result, Knox became thoroughly caught up in the Protestant rebellion and took refuge from warring Roman Catholic soldiers in St. Andrews Castle. He continued to teach his students who were also residing in the protection of the castle with their families.
His Call to Ministry:
Knox’s call to the ministry came through the encouragement and exhortation of John Rough, the castle chaplain. One Sunday during a sermon on the election of ministers, Rough preached the following words directing them to Knox,
Brother, ye shall not be offended, albeit I speak unto you that which I have in charge, even from all those here present: In the name of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, and in the name of these that presently call you by my mouth, I charge you, that ye refuse not this holy vocation, but, as ye tender the Glory of God, the increase of Christ His Kingdom, the edification of your brethren, and the comfort of me, oppressed by the multitude of labors, that ye take upon you the public office of preaching, even as ye look to avoid God’s heavy displeasure, and desire that he shall multiply his graces upon you.” In the end, he said to those present: “Was not this your charge to me? Do ye not approve this vocation?” They answered, “It was, and we approve it.”
Knox, History of the Reformation in Scotland, 72
The ruins of St. Andrew’s Castle, Scotland
After hearing these words directed at him, Knox burst into tears and withdrew to his chambers for several days. Yet, God had called him to ministry through the clear exhortation of John Rough and the people of the castle. Shortly after this, Knox assumed his new duties as the chaplain and preached his first sermon. The castle garrison held out for a year. The pro-Protestant English fleet did not rescue them as it was hoped, but instead a pro-Catholic French fleet appeared in the harbor. The defenders of the castle lost hope and eventually surrendered to the French. The Scottish Lords were taken into captivity and the commoners, like Knox, served as galley-slaves on the French ship Notre Dame. Life in the galleys was a miserable existence. Each slave was chained to the ship and sat exposed to the open air day and night. Knox himself tells a memorable story about his personal experiences on the galley-ship Notre Dame. He writes in the third person, but most readers believe he is speaking of himself.
Soon after their arrival at Nantes, their great Salve was sung, and a glorious painted Lady was brought in to be kissed, and, amongst others, was presented to one of the Scottishmen then chained. He gently said, “Trouble me not. Such an idol is accursed; therefore I will not touch it.” The Patron (Skipper) and the Arguesyn (Lieutenant), with two officers, having the chief charge of all such matters, said, “Thou shalt handle it”; and they violently thrust it to his face, and put it betwixt his hands. He, seeing the extremity, took the idol, and advisedly looking about him, cast it into the river, and said: “Let our Lady now save herself. She is light enough; let her learn to swim!” After that was no Scotsman urged with that idolatry!
Knox, History of the Reformation in Scotland, 94-95
There were also times of desperation and severe sickness on the galley-ship. Knox, relates one episode where he was near death and only recovered by the intervention of the Lord. He relates,
Master James Balfour and John Knox being in one galley, and being wondrous familiar, Master James would sometimes ask Knox’s judgment, “If he thought that ever they should be delivered?” Whose answer was ever, from the day they entered into the galleys, “God will delver us from this bondage, to His glory, even in this life.” Lying betwixt Dundee and St. Andrews, the second time the galleys returned to Scotland, the said John Knox being extremely sick that few hoped his life, Master James willed him to look to the land, and asked him if he knew it; who answered, “Yes; I know it well. I see the steeple of that place where God first in public opened my mouth to His glory, and I am fully persuaded, how weak soever I now appear, I shall not depart this life till my tongue shall glorify His Holy Name in the same place.” This reported Master James in presence of many famous witnesses many years before ever John Knox set his foot in Scotland this last time to preach.
Knox, History of the Reformation in Scotland, 95-96
It was ten years later before this prophetic desire came to pass. Finally at the appeal of the English King, Edward VI (1537-1553), Knox and a few others were released by the French. Knox returned to England where he was offered a position as preacher at Berwick in northern England. Several years of fruitful ministry followed and he became well known throughout England as a great preacher. Here he also met his future wife, Marjorie, and her influential mother, Elizabeth Bowes. Subsequently, Knox served a church in Newcastle and as one of the King’s chaplains in London.
His Flight to the Continent:
When Mary I (1516-1558), the infamous “Bloody Mary”, came to power in 1553 after the untimely death of Edward VI many Protestant leaders had to flee for their lives. Queen Mary I was determined to restore the Roman Catholic faith to England and sought to accomplish this through the severe persecution of Protestants. Under her reign such notable reformers as Thomas Cranmer, Nicolas Ridley, and Hugh Latimer were executed. Knox first fled to the continent, then secretly returned to marry Marjorie Bowes in 1555 and returned to Geneva. While there, Knox studied at the academy under John Calvin.
John Calvin (1509-1564)
Knox described Geneva in this way: “[it] is the most perfect school of Christ since the days of the Apostles. In other places, I confess Christ to be truly preached; but manners and religion so sincerely reformed, I have not yet seen in any other place.” (Sefton, John Knox, 22) He kept busy by pastoring a church of English speaking refugees and his wife bore him two sons, but his mind was often on Scotland. His controversial tract “The First Blast of The Trumpet Against The Mostrous Regiment Of Women” delivered a torrid criticism against the woman rulers of his day, notably “Bloody Mary” of England, Catherine de Medici of France, and Mary of Guise (the Queen Mother) in Scotland. Each of these women Knox identified as “Jezebels.” He passionately wrote,
Such as have more pleasure in light than in darkness may clearly perceive that Deborah did usurp no such power nor authority as our Queens do this day claim; but that she was indued with the spirit of wisdom, of knowledge, and of the true fear of God, and by the same she judged the facts of the rest of the people. She rebuked their defection and idolatry, yea, and also did redress to her power the injuries that were done by man to man. But all this, I say she did by the spiritual sword, that is, by the Word of God, and not by any temporal regiment or authority which she did usurp over Israel, in which, I suppose, at that time there was no lawful Magistrate, by the reason of their great affliction…And so I doubt not but Deborah judged, what time Israel had declined from God, rebuking their defection, and exhorting them to repentance, without usurpation of any civil authority: And if people gave unto her for a time any reverence or honour, as her godliness and happy counsel did well deserve, yet was it no such empire as our monsters claim; for which of her sons or nearest kinsmen left she ruler and judge in Israel after her? The Holy Ghost expresseth no such thing: whereof it is evident, that by her example God offereth no occasion to establish any regiment of Women above men, realms, and nations.
Knox, The First Blast of the Trumpet, quoted in Sefton, 92-93
Some have unjustly accused Knox of being overly hateful toward women, however, his passion for the Protestant cause out-weighed his allegiance to the rulers of his day whether they were male or female. It was obvious to all that he had very tender attitudes toward his young wife, and carried on a large correspondence with other women in the reform movement.
His Return to Scotland:
Finally, with the death of Mary I in 1558, and the beginning of a renewed Protestant insurgency in Scotland, Knox returned to Edinburgh in 1559. Five days after his arrival the Scottish authorities placed a price on his head. One of his first letters to his congregation in Geneva asked for additional funds so that he could buy a faster horse! But God spared his life on numerous occasions and he was used as a great recruiter for the Protestant cause. One critic complained that Knox’s preaching could “put life into them more than 500 trumpets.” Thinking back to previous days in the galley-ship, Knox then resolved to fulfill the prophetic statement he had uttered by faith,
John Knox minded to preach in St. Andrews on Sunday [4th June 1559]. The Archbishop, hearing of the Reformation to be made in his Cathedral Church, thought time to stir, or else never; and therefore assembled his colleagues and confederate fellows, besides his other friends, and came to the town upon the Saturday at night, accompanied with a hundred spears, of mind to have stopped John Knox…The Archbishop affirmed that he would not suffer it, considering that by his commandment the picture of the said John was before burnt. He willed, therefore, an honest gentleman, Robert Colville of Cleish, to say to the Lords, “That in case John Knox presented himself to the preaching-place in his town and principal Church, he should gar (cause) him be saluted with a dozen of culverins (muskets), WHEREOF THE MOST PART SHOULD LIGHT UPON HIS NOSE!” This was the Bishop’s good mind towards John Knox!
Knox, History of the Reformation in Scotland, 175-176
Many of his friends and supporters strongly urged him not to preach, but Knox would hear nothing of this caution and replied in the following manner,
After long deliberation, the said John was called, that his own judgment might be had. Many persuasions were made that he should delay for that time, and great terrors given in case he should enterprise such a thing, as it were in contempt of the Archbishop. He answered, “God is witness that I never preached Christ Jesus in contempt of any man, neither mind I at any time to present myself to the place, having either respect to my own private commodity, or yet to the worldly hurt of any creature. But to delay to preach on the morrow, unless the body be violently withholden, I cannot of conscience. In this Town and Church began God first to call me to the dignity of a preacher, from which I was reft by the tyranny of France, and by procurement of the Bishops, as ye all know. How long I continued prisoner, what torment I sustained in the galleys, and what were the sobs of my heart, is now no time to recite. This only I cannot conceal, which more than one have heard me say, when the body was far absent from Scotland, that my assured hope was, in open audience, to preach in St. Andrews before I departed this life. Therefore, My Lords, seeing that God, above the expectation of many, hath brought the body to the same place where first I was called to the office of a preacher, and from which most unjustly I was removed, I beseech Your Honours not to stop me to present myself unto my brethren. As for the fear of danger that may come to me, let no man be solicitous. My life is in the custody of Him whose glory I seek. Therefore I cannot so fear their boast or tyranny, that I will cease from doing my duty, when of His mercy He offereth me the occasion. I DESIRE THE HAND OR WEAPON OF NO MAN TO DEFEND ME. ONLY DO I CRAVE AUDIENCE. WHICH, IF IT BE DENIED HERE UNTO ME AT THIS TIME, I MUST SEEK FURTHER WHERE I MAY HAVE IT.”
Knox, History of the Reformation in Scotland, 175-177
As might be expected, Knox preached and all of the threats against him proved to be hollow words.
St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh
In 1560 Knox was able to bring his family to Scotland and he settled in Edinburgh becoming the minister at St. Giles Church. Here he was to have a solid and significant pulpit ministry for the next eleven years. He also wrote, along with five others, the Scots Confession which is Calvinistic in doctrine as the official statement of belief for the Scottish Protestant Church. Here are two articles from the Scots Confession,
Even after we are reborn, if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth of God is not in us. It is therefore essential for us to lay hold on Christ Jesus, in his righteousness and his atonement, since he is the end and consummation of the Law and since it is by him that we are set at liberty so that the curse of God may not fall upon us, even though we do not fulfill the Law in all points. For as God the Father beholds us in the body of his Son Christ Jesus, he accepts our imperfect obedience as if it were perfect, and covers our works, which are defiled with many stains, with the righteousness of his Son. (Schaaf, The Creeds of Christendom, “Scots Confession”, Article 15)
Schaaf, The Creeds of Christendom, “Scots Confession”, Article 15
The notes, signs and assured tokens whereby the spotless bride of Christ is known from the horrible harlot, the false Kirk, we state, are neither antiquity, usurped title, lineal succession, appointed place, nor the numbers of men approving error…The notes of the true Kirk, therefore, we believe, confess and avow to be: first, the true preaching of the Word of God, in which God has revealed himself to us, as the writings of the prophets and apostles declare; secondly, the right administration of the Sacraments of Christ Jesus, with which must be associated the Word and promise of God to seal and confirm them in our hearts; and lastly, ecclesiastical discipline uprightly ministered, as God’s Word prescribes, whereby vice is repressed and virtue nourished.
Schaaf, The Creeds of Christendom, “Scots Confession”, Article 18
Unfortunately Knox’s wife, Marjorie, died shortly after her return to Edinburgh leaving him with the burden of raising two young sons (Nathaniel and Eleazar). Four years later in 1564, the fifty year old Knox married the seventeen year old Margaret Stewart the daughter of one of his most ardent supporters. Like his first marital relationship this union with Margaret also proved to be a happy marriage despite the age difference and the Knox’s were blessed with three daughters (Martha, Margaret, and Elizabeth).
His Conflict with Mary, Queen of Scots:
Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587)
In the year 1561 a beautiful, slender, and witty nineteen year old young woman returned to Edinburgh, Scotland full of enthusiasm for her new responsibilities. She was Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), daughter of James V and Mary of Guise. Although she had officially become queen when she was only six days old, she had been shipped away to France for many years so that she could be prepared for her future duties. In the intervening time, her mother, Mary of Guise, ruled in her place. It was in France that Mary became an ardent Roman Catholic and saw herself as one who would eventually restore all of rebellious Scotland to its rightful religious authority—the Pope of Rome. The English ambassador to Scotland said of her arrival that all were enthralled by her presence “saving John Knox, that thundereth out of the Pulpit . . . of him all men stand in fear.” Indeed, people did fear the Protestant preacher John Knox, not because of his sword, but because of his words. Knox was a bold preacher of the Bible and its message of liberty in Christ. Mary, Queen of Scots later said of him, “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than the army of ten thousand men!”
John Knox House, Edinburgh
For six long years Mary and John Knox battled with a war of words that occasionally broke over into violence. Specifically, Knox felt that Mary’s celebration of the mass in her private chapel was idolatrous and in violation of the second commandment (Exodus 20:4-6). Also, she affirmed the “divine right of Kings” (i.e. that God had given her authority over the Scottish people) which Knox felt was in violation of the “divine right of the people” (i.e. to have a Queen who was submissive to God and to biblical law). When Knox’s writings which advocated armed rebellion against godless Kings and Queens were applied by his fellow Protestants to Mary’s reign, then it gave the Queen much to worry about. As a result, Knox and Mary had several stormy interviews where she accused him of open rebellion against her God-given authority. He responded by asking her to point out evidence of his rebellion and reminding her that she had the responsibility to shun all evil and to serve as an example of Christian behavior for the people, which she was not. He was accused of treasonous activity, tried, and acquitted by the Scottish Lords. This was a bitter disappointment for the Queen. Later, her assassins sought his life, but he escaped time after time. Eventually, he outlasted Mary’s reign of terror, which ended with her abdication in 1567, and he became the preeminent leader of the Protestant Church of Scotland.
His Lasting Influence:
One of the practical applications that John Knox developed in his theology was the Bible’s teaching on civil government. He believed that all magistrates served at God’s good pleasure (Rom. 13:1-2; 1 Pet. 2:13-14). Nevertheless, magistrates should be held accountable by the people to actually obey God’s Law (Ps. 2:10-12; Jer. 37:1-21). They are not a law unto themselves, nor are they free to establish their own laws. In essence, there is a “higher law” (i.e. God’s Law) that is above any of the laws which may be legislated and enforced under a magistrate’s authority. Knox argues,
Consider, my lords, that you are powers ordained by God (as before is declared), and therefore does the reformation of religion, and the defense of such as unjustly are oppressed, appertain to your charge and care, which thing shall the law of God, universally given to be kept of all men, most evidently declare; which is my last and most assured reason, why, I say, you ought to remove from honours and punish with death such as God has condemned by his own mouth.”
Knox, Selected Writings, “The Appellation,” 508
Therefore, evil and tyrannical kings, queens, princes, and magistrates can, in certain select circumstances, be resisted by the citizenry if they are led by the lesser magistrates (i.e. the doctrine of “interposition”). Knox insisted that it was the duty of godly citizens to remove evil and tyrannical leaders. Dr. Joseph Morecraft summarizes this position,
The American War for Independence was fought for this very reason — to resist the tyrannical rule of the English King, George III. Knox’s major contribution to the Reformation and to Western Civilization was his teaching on the legitimacy of resistance against tyranny, including the use of armed force by the citizenry, led by a lesser magistrate, against a tyrannical or idolatrous head of state, after all others efforts have failed. Christian citizens and lesser magistrates have the duty to remove tyrants from office. Moreover, armed resistance is justifiable, according to Knox, only if two preconditions have been met: ‘the first of which was the trying of other means, including prayer and patience. The second condition was that armed resistance must be led by legitimate lesser magistrates…’ Knox cited Jeremiah 37 as the scriptural basis for ministers advocating resistance against tyrannical authorities. Knox was not a revolutionary, however, as his life and sermons prove. Although he believed that resistance to tyranny was every Christian’s duty, he could also say, ‘We mean neyther seditions, neyther yit rebellion against any just and lauchfull authorities, but onlie the advancement of Christes religion, and the liberties of this poore Realme’.”
Morecraft, “Calvin’s Influence on Scotland,” in John Calvin: Man of the Millennium, 270-271
It was this kind of practical application of the Bible’s teaching that resulted in the rapid progress of liberty throughout the Western world. Evil and tyrannical governments were resisted and thrown off in Scotland, England, France, Germany, Holland, and in the American Colonies. Other theologians who came later would further develop Knox’s ideas, but the original seed came from Knox as he struggled with how to bring religious liberty to Scotland, his own beloved country.
John Knox’s final resting place
Knox’s greatest triumph was that he introduced Reformed theology to Scotland and persevered through tremendous personal persecution for the sake of his faith in Jesus Christ. His most important book, The History of the Reformation in Scotland, provides an insightful picture of the difficulties of the Protestant reform movement. At his funeral, in November 1572, the newly appointed Regent of the Scottish government gave this glowing testimony of Knox: “Here lyeth a man, who in his life never feared the face of man; who hath been often threatened with…dagger, but yet hath ended his days in peace and honour.” Yet today, John Knox’s earthly remains lie ignominiously under a Scottish parking lot (space #23) located behind St. Giles Church in Edinburgh. There is little doubt, however, that Knox would shrug this personal slight off and boldly affirm the truth of Isaiah 40:8 “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” The legacy of John Knox lives on, if not in Scotland, then throughout the world where the gospel is believed, preached, and taught.
Its a banner day! I just received three rare volumes on John Knox!
Select Bibliography:
Bond, Douglas. The Mighty Weakness of John Knox. Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2011.
Cameron, Nigel M. de S., ed. Dictionary of Scottish Church History and Theology. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1993
“Book of Common Order (1564)”, by H.R, Sefton
“First Book of Discipline”, by J. Kirk
“Kirk Session”, by A.I. Dunlop
“Major (Mair), John”, by J. Kirk
“Reformation, Scottish”, by J. Kirk
“St. Giles”, by G.I. Macmillan
Douglas, J. D., ed. The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church. Revised edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1978.
“Beaton, David”, by J.D. Douglas
“Calvin, John”, by W.S. Reid
“Calvinism”, by W.S. Reid
“Common Order, Book of”, by W.S. Reid
“Discipline, Books of”, by Adam Loughridge
“Edward VI”, by P.W. Petty
“England, Church Of”, by John A. Simpson
“Geneva Bible”, by Robert D. Linder
“Genevan Academy”, by W.S. Reid
“Henry VIII”, by Robert Schnucker
“James VI (of Scotland) and I (of England)”, by Henry R. Sefton
“Knox, John”, by Richard L. Greaves
“Mary, Queen of Scots”, by Henry R. Sefton
“Mary Tudor”, by Peter Toon
“Presbyterianism”, by W.S. Reid
“Reformation, The”, by Robert D. Linder
“Scots Confession”, by W.S. Reid
“Scotland”, by W.S. Reid
“Scotland, Church of”, by W.S. Reid
“Wishart, George”, by J.D. Douglas
Knox, John. The History of the Reformation in Scotland. Charles J. Guthrie, ed. Edinburgh, Scotland: The Banner of Truth Trust, Reprint 1982.
Knox, John. Select Practical Writings of John Knox. The Committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, 1845; Reprint, Edinburgh, Scotland: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2011.
Lindsay, Thomas M. A History of the Reformation. 2 Volumes. New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1949.
MacGregor, Geddes. The Thundering Scot. London, England: MacMillan and Company LTD, 1958.
McEwen, James S. The Faith of John Knox. London, England: Lutterworth Press, 1961.
McFeeters, J. C. Sketches of the Covenanters. Philadelphia, PA: The Second Church of the Covenanters, 1913.
M’Crie, Thomas. The Life of John Knox. Originally published in 1811; Reprint, Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publications, 1991.
M’Crie, Thomas. The Story of the Scottish Church. London, England: Blackie and Son, 1875.
Morecraft, Joseph. “Calvin’s Influence on Scotland” in Volmer, Philip. John Calvin: Man of the Millennium. San Antonio, TX: The Vision Forum, 2009.
Murray, Ian H. A Scottish Christian Heritage. Edinburgh, Scotland: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2006.
Reed, Kevin, ed. Selected Writings of John Knox. Dallas, TX: Presbyterian Heritage Publications, 1995.
Reid, W. Stanford. Trumpeter of God: A Biography of John Knox. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1974.
Ridely, Jasper. John Knox. London, England: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Schaaf, Philip. The Creeds of Christendom. 6th Edition. Reprint, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1983.
Sefton, Henry R. John Knox: An Account of the Development of His Spirituality. Edinburgh, Scotland: Saint Andrew Press, 1993.
Whitley, Elizabeth. The Plain Mr. Knox. Reprint, Ross-Shire, Scotland: Christian Focus Publications, 2001.
Wylie, James A. The History of Protestantism. 3 Volumes. Kilkeel, N. Ireland: Mourne Missionary Trust, 1990.
Dr. Marcus Serven, ThM and DMin
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