How the Protestant Reformers are Still Changing the World

Tag: The Doctrine of Salvation

Theology Class takes a Summer Break

Here is a typical class–with the students asking me all of the “hard” questions they can possibly think of!

“…much study is a weariness of the flesh.” Ecclesiastes 12:12b

We just finished our theology class for the Winter/Spring term this past Thursday, May 16th–and it is time to take a summertime break. On the average we had twenty-one students each week. Six students are pursuing the Certificate of Theological Studies program. They will be completing a final exam and a ten-page long research paper. Overall, we had a wonderful time of working our way through all of the major subjects related to the doctrine of Salvation. We covered the following topics: Predestination and Election, the Order of Salvation, Efficacious Calling, Regeneration, Conversion, Faith, Repentance, Justification, Adoption, and Sanctification. It was a great class!

Besides my weekly lectures, we discussed Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by Dr. J. I. Packer, and Redemption: Accomplished and Applied by Prof. John Murray. There were numerous “rabbit trials” along the way, but we kept coming back to the main themes related to the doctrine of Salvation and that worked out quite well. Throughout the class I regularly brought up citations from the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. It is my personal goal to not only familiarize students with our Confession of Faith, but also to help them build-up their own library with excellent Reformed literature.

Here are a few pictures from our celebratory luncheon at Pok-e-Jo’s BBQ located here in Austin. Pok-e-Jo’s BBQ is definitely “old school” Austin with some of the best brisket sandwiches around! The pork ribs are pretty good too! The entire class couldn’t join us for the luncheon, but it was still a good representative group for our closing feast. I can guarantee you, no one left hungry!

Left to right: Robert, Steven, Mike, Landy, Donna, Jacqueline, Max, and Boyd.

Left to right: Ann, Tami, Sandy, Steve, Me, and David (photo credit: Brian)

This coming Fall we will study the “History of the Early Church” (from the Apostolic Age through AD 400). Our weekly class will meet on Thursday mornings in Calvin Hall [9:30-11:30 AM, Room 206] and will begin mid-September (more info to come). In addition to lectures we will read and discuss The Apostolic Fathers (which includes The Didache & writings by Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp). Plus we will also read The Confessions by Augustine. And…Lord willing, we will offer an evening class as well.

— Dr. Marcus J. Serven

Announcing: Redeemer Theological Academy

Our church elders have recently approved the development of a new ministry at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Austin, TX. It is called Redeemer Theological Academy. We will be offering college-level classes in Biblical studies, Theology, Church History, Apologetics, and Ministry skills. I will serve as the director of this endeavor. Other instructors will be added over time. Our plans for the winter months (2024) are twofold: 

  • “The Doctrine of Salvation” – This weekly class begins on Thursday, January 18th in Calvin Hall [Thursday mornings 9:30-11:30 AM, Room 208]. It will be taught by Pastor Marcus Serven. As part of the class we will read J. I. Packer’s Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, and John Murray’s Redemption: Accomplished and Applied
  • “Burning Theological Questions” – These occasional Friday evening seminars will focus on some of the key questions that many Christians have about the Christian faith—such as “Is there any hope for the future?” and “What evidences are there for the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ?” [dates and locations to be determined]. Various speakers will be presenting these seminars. More information coming soon!  

Both classes and seminars are provided free-of-charge to all members and attendees of Redeemer Presbyterian Church. In addition, students will be able to take classes for “credit” towards a Certificate of Theological Studies, or to “audit” classes. A Certificate of Theological Studies gives each successful student a strong foundation in the study of the Bible and Christian theology so that they can better serve the church in appropriate ministries. Men and women are welcome, plus mature High School and College students.

Questions? Contact Pastor Marcus Serven (

— Dr. Marcus J. Serven