Over the past twenty-two months I have really enjoyed the privilege of teaching theology to this serious group of adult-learners. We call ourselves the “Theology Study Group.” Our class formed in the Summer of 2020 with four students and over time we grew to sixteen students. The basic plan was to meet weekly on Thursday mornings (weather, vacations, and illnesses permitting) at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. The Lord has certainly blessed us as we dug deep into the Bible and wrestled with all of the major doctrines of the Christian faith.

Today we reached the final pages in Louis Berkhof’s “Manual of Christian Doctrine” and we discussed–as you might expect–the Return of Christ and the coming Judgment Day. The promise of “the blessed hope” which is “the appearing of…our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13) is a strong motivation to holy living and faithfulness. What a privilege it is to reflect on these precious doctrines of God. Class members: (L-R) Max, Donna, Steven, Albert, David, Joel, Bret, me, Steven, and Boyd. Missing from this picture are regular attenders: Robert, Brian, Joseph, and Jack.
— Dr. Marcus J. Serven